Bequia to Rodney Bay Marina, St Lucia
Thu 28 Feb 2013 17:19
14:04.44N 60:56.94W
Early on Wednesday morning we were underway for
Rodney Bay with slight trepidation as we weren't sure what the weather
would be like on the outside and even Doyle's Cruising Guide which seems to see
everything through rose tinted spectacles says of the passage between St Vincent
and St Lucia 'the northbound passage can be hard on the wind and hard on the
body and is unbelievably gusty on occasion and more than a little bumpy'.
We started off well and had a good sail across the narrow (6mile) channel
from Bequia to St Vincent and then we motor sailed up the lee side of St Vincent
before setting off across the 30 mile channel to St Lucia. The first 5 miles of
the crossing was just as bad as the pundits told us but after that it rapidly
improved and we then had a cracking sail touching nine knots at times and by 6pm
we were moored up in Rodney Bay Marina with 71 miles on the log. The
following day we moved to a more suitable berth in readiness for the arrival of
our friends Ken and Mich who were due on Friday 1st March from
Guadeloupe where they had spent a few days land based.
the local fruit and veg supplier in Rodney
Bay!! |