On the basis of a small weather window we decided to leave Salinas on New Years Eve for the 115nm overnight downwind passage to Ocean World Marina (shock, horror) near Puerto Plata, our final stopover in the DR. To make up for this I promised Christene a slap up lunch out on arrival but in our tired state we settled for a hamburger in a very naff bar adjacent the marina office. The good news is that we have nice neighbours, good showers, shore power & wifi. The bad news is it's more expensive than Hamble & we're moored on the downwind side of a fixed concrete jetty & have to winch Oojah in against the wind to get on & off. We have been here 5 days now waiting for the wind to drop sufficiently for us to sail the 100nm to the Turks & Caicos Islands which lie between us & the Bahamas - it already seems like forever but patience is the order of the day; there are worse places to be stuck, & it's pleasantly warm with the odd heavy shower. We may be able to leave on Tuesday or we may have to wait until Sunday week - we'll see.
With love from Peter & Christene