IN THE TROPICS - N 23 04.67 W 28 43.87

Peter & Christene Tanner
Sun 2 Dec 2012 13:19
Another day of limping along under headsail alone
in 20/25 kts Easterly wind, unfortunately just 5 nm a day short of what's needed
for Griff's flight. We have a happy crew some of whom have now tackled the
challenge of washing (Carl in salt water over the transom). As I type they're
all chatting away in the cockpit - probably all rubbish! The star prize goes to
C's incredible catering. We had some big squalls last night with heavy rain
& the wind going up over 35 kts - Karen was helming at an incredible 11 kts
into oblivion which gives her the ladies speed record (Carl holds the boy's at
15.5 kts before the main gave out - might be a moral there). We're now on
port tack & going south of track to try & optimise our wind to the South
of low pressure 2 or 3 days ahead. Love to you all & thanks to those who
have sent short messages.