We're currently moored in the lagoon at Simson Bay right under the end of the runway - déjà vue. Before you worry about our sanity it is otherwise a good location handy for the Yacht Club, Budget Marine & the supermarket & there are not that many flights. It's been a very sociable few days & we've met lots of old cruising friends as a lot of European yachts will set off for home from here over the next month. The island is half Dutch & half French but there's no real border. Interestingly the Dutch Antilles use US $ & have no sales tax but the French side uses the € & charges VAT but it all seems to work - guess which side we're on? Both sides have highly developed tourist industries which is not our favourite Caribbean but the wind has now risen & we'll be here for a few days more until it calms down a bit.
Peter & Christene