TOMORROW FINALLY CAME - N 15 23.91 W 43 35.37

Peter & Christene Tanner
Sat 8 Dec 2012 14:11
After a morning of showers & much debate about
strategy we abandoned our efforts to get South round the wind hole &
freed off for St Lucia, setting the small spinakker at lunchtime
& making 8 kts towards our destination. With bacon & egg rolls for
brunch & conditions almost fit for washing morale rose. Mid afternoon we
were overtaking another yacht for the first time since the main broke. He called
us on radio & asked if we had a scapel & local anaesthetic as they had a
crew member with a fishing hook embedded deep into his arm. We stood by,
only able to offer a new stanley knife blade & comfort, but were later to
contact our Dutch friends Pieter & Sabine on Ostrea who have a doctor
on board. As I write both yachts have met up 20 nm behind us. Crossing
as a group in order to be able to help each other if necessary is the
reason the ARC came into being 27 years ago & is probably thhe
fundamental reason why its so popular today.
At about the same time we ran into the wind
hole we'd been trying to avoid for several days & after a brief
swim we are motored towards St Lucia for 3 hours. The sun shone for the rest of
the day & we enjoyed the duck we'd been so looking forward to. Just after
sundown a little wind came in from the NW & the big spinakker has been up
ever since - absolutely magic sailing right through the night & this tomorrow finally came!
PS Barney - are we doing any better on our
rivals? Thks for the info on other yachts