TURBULENT FLIGHT - N17 13.17 W38 22.67

Peter & Christene Tanner
Thu 6 Dec 2012 12:26
Capt Tanner failed to warn us about turbulance -
not to mention 6m waves, angry seas, force 8 winds, wearing offshore kit,
getting soaked in & out of the boat, & being black & blue. The brief
was for suncream & bikinis. This resembles being in a washing machine but
the rinse is salt water. There could have been a mutiny amongst his jolly little
jumbo crew (Oojah being an elephant) but remarkably spirits remain high
especially as the main is now up, we're over half way, & averaging 9 kts
again & the boys are having fun. However Karen & I are going
straight to our union rep at the end of this trip to discuss terms
& conditions.
Lv from all
PS Barney - where is