Conception Island - 23 51.00N 075 07.23W

Peter & Christene Tanner
Wed 29 Jan 2014 20:25
After 3 days the wind abated & we motored 46nm North to Conception Island way out in the Atlantic, crossing the Tropic of Cancer as we went. We're now leaving the steady trade winds of further south & into more frontal weather so anchorages need to be chosen with more of a forward eye on the weather. Both air (mid 70's) & water temperatures (mid 20's) have also dropped noticeably but we'll manage. Conception Island is unoccupied, a place in heaven with a beautiful sandy bay on the lee side with the classic clear turquoise water. We we're in paradise. We walked the beaches & swum & we're reluctant to leave but the benign weather window will not last to the weekend so we're sailing SW to Georgetown in the Exuma chain.
With love from Peter & Christene