IN BAD HUMOUR - N 15 34.34 W 48 47.57
Peter & Christene Tanner
Mon 10 Dec 2012 13:50
If a week is a long time in politics a day is a
long time out here when conditions are adverse. Yesterday was overcast &
squally & it rained much of the night, the worst night we have had since the
first night out. It was so wet the flying fish were unsure weather they had
taken off! Much of the time we made good progress but now we're wallowing
slowly along in insufficient wind for the amount of swell & the engine
has just gone on for the second time in the crossing. Oojah is beginning to look
travel weary as rust stains appear, bits of stitching fail here & there,
& we find new ways of getting things wrong! There's much debate about
Griff's flight & Carl's Suezanne, who flies in on Friday as well.
The only mitigating feature is the quality of the humour has now sunk to the
same low level as the weather.