We have now been in Ocean World for 2 weeks. It's part of a resort & there are performing dolphins & sea lions in a large pool adjacent - the same music blares out three times every day & we have harbour rot. Not our perfect spot but it's secure. I took the opportunity to take C out for her New Year's Eve dinner but we both got food poisoning for a couple of days so I still owe her. Hiring a car was an experience. There are hoards of small motorbikes travelling in random directions but if you are hit by one there's a presumption of guilt against the car. Adherence to traffic lights appears to be voluntary, & when you park several people rush over & over to look after the car - there's always a nagging doubt as to what might happen if you decline? Top tip - don't drive at night! It does look as if the wind will moderate tomorrow so we're planning to sail the 150nm up to Providentiales in the Turks & Caicos overnight Wednesday, & we can get back to our normal lifestyle under anchor - we haven't swum in the sea this year!
Much love from Peter & Christene