Date: 03-08-07 Time: 17:00 UTC Position: 56:42.90N 011:30.76E Name: Anholt
Vi dro på nattseilas fra København til Anholt for å komme fram før en frisk
nordvestlig vind kom. Vi kom ikke fram tidsnok til å unngå at vi fikk fire timer
stampende imot sjø og motvind - jeg skulle ha brukt motoren mer tidlig på natta
for å få opp farta. Vi kom inn i havnen litt etter ni - da hadde noen få båter
reist med det var fortsatt som sild i ei tønne. Her må man ha et anker ute og gå
inn med baugen eller hekken inn til flytebryggene. P.g.a. den sterke vinden var
det svært vanskelig å finne en plass til ankeret og deretter bakke inn i en
åpning før vinden overtar styringen. Vi fikk til slutt lagt oss til på enden av
en brygge - med mye hjelp fra båtene rundt oss. Det er mye aktivitet med båter
som har viklet ankrene sine sammen eller ønsker å sette ut nye anker - de fleste
båtene har nok kommet under nærmere vindstille forhold og mange ligger skråstilt
til den friske vinden.
Anhold ligger midt i Kattegat mellom Danmark og Sverige. Det er en idyllisk
plass med ca. 100 faste innbyggere men mange sommerturister. Det er bare noen få
biler og de fleste sykler eller går. En rundtur rundt den bebodde delen av øya
tok oss et par timer - veldig fint å gå her i furuskog og sanddyner mellom
gardsbruk og hytter. I den fine sola var det mange tøffe folk som badet og
solte seg på stranden. Dagens bilder - strandlandskap og havnen på
Strandlandskap - det blåser friskt i
Beachlandscape - note that it is blowing a fresh
wind today.
The harbour.
English version
We decided to make a night sail of it to Anholt in order to make some miles
before the forecast North-westerly came. I should have used more motor during
the night instead of sailing at 3.5-4 knots as we ended up having to motor into
the teeth of a force 6 with attached lumpy seas for the last four hours of the
journey. We got here at about nine, by which time only a few boats had left ad
the harbour was still like a tin of sardines. The berthing here is bow or stern
to the pontoons with an anchor out, but the strong wind made getting in very
difficult - particularly as the boats already here were lying at peculiar angles
as they had anchored in little wind and were now being blown at angles in the
new wind. We ended up, with much help from neighbouring boats, anchored off the
end of one of the pontoons, wedged between two other boats. Lots of boats have
had problems with their anchors or have rowed out extra ones to try and
straighten things up. One boat came in as speed and pulled up three anchors by
running over their chains with his keel. Our neighbour got his anchor rope cut
in this process and had to have a diver out to recover it. So we do not lack
Anholt is a charming island in the middle of the Kattegat, mid way between
Denmark and Sweden - a remnant from the last ice age. There are about 100
permanent residents, though the numbers swell considerably in the summer. There
are just a few cars - most people cycle or walk. We walked round the entire
populated part of the island this afternoon - it took about two hours. The
landscape varies from barren heath to sand dunes and grass to spruce woods and
farmed landscape. In the sunny weather there were lots of brave souls sunbathing
and swimming on the beaches. Today's pictures - beach landscape and
the harbour at Anholt.