Date: 24-05-07 Time: 16:23 UTC Position: 30:49.07N 054:32.41W
Distance last 24h: 137 (25.3 h) Distance from Bermuda: 526 Distance to Flores: 1253 Wind speed & direction: NNE 23-27 Current COG, SOG: 100, 5 Waves: 4 Barometer: 1019
Det blåste godt i går og frem til midnatt.hadde vi tre rev i storseilet og
bare halvparten av genoaen ute. Værmeldingene sa at vi var kommet langt nok sør
for å unngå lavtrykket og tilhørende kuling, så vi dreide vår kurs til rett øst,
som var så høyt mot vinden som de fiske nord-nord-østlige vindene og bølgene
tillot med en rimelig grad av komfort ombord. Så forsvant vinden midt på svarte
natta og vi måtte gå for motor, men det gikk ikke mer enn en time og vinden var
tilbake, men denne gangen en behagelig 12-13 knop som tillot full seilføring og
fortsatt kust rett øst. Men Adam var ikke lenge i Paradis, og da sola kom opp
hadde vi liten kuling. Det begynte å regne også - ikke kjekt. Anna og
Seven synlig i regnet rett bak oss.
English version
There was a fresh wind all afternoon and evening and until midnight we had
three reefs in the main and about half of the genoa rolled away. The weather
forecasts I downloaded indicated that we had come far enough south to avoid the
low pressure wnd associated gales, so we headed due east for the rest of the
day. The fresh north-north easterlies meant that we couldn't head much north of
east with any degree of comfort. The wind vanished after midnight and after a
valliant attempt to keep sailing in the flukey winds, all three boats started
their machines and mootred for an hour or so. Then just as suddenly the wind was
back - but a pleasand 12-13 knots this time which meant full sails and good
speed as we continued heading due east. This didn't last long though - at
sunrise we hade a strong breeze occasionally near gale force 7. It started to
rain to - just to irritate us more. Anna and Seven just visible in the rain
behind us.