Bayona to Povoa de Varzim

Wednesday morning
came, again with great weather! The morning was started with a walk around the
fort and the old town. We are trying to do some regular exercise! The lines were slipped at 11.00 and we
motored out of Bayona with the plan to sail to Povoa de Varzim, some 50 miles
The wind was from the
Northwest, but insufficient to sail under, so we motored all the way. The
biggest challenge was to miss the large number of fishing nets and pots along
this coast, this time we had a clear run. The port was easy to enter and again
we were met by a very helpful man to help us moor up at around 19.15. After
signing in at reception we had a free drink in the marina bar and all for 6.50
Euro. The cheapest nights mooring
The evening was spent
exploring the town and a having a great meal out in a local restaurant eating
all local specialties recommended by our waiter who looked like Emmanuel from
Faulty Towers. 3 courses, a bottle
of wine and all for 20 quid. This is a town to stay some time at if you want to
save money. However we needed to leave early the next morning, as we had a long
sail to make harbour before dark.
The ‘Manhattan’ of
Portugal Povoa de Varzim