Day 13 Lazy Dawn's Ocean Passage - 3/12
Sat 3 Dec 2005 19:24
The fishing has restarted, but much to Jo's relief
(remember she has to gut and fillet the next one) none have been caught. Not
that we really need any fish, as the provisions are lasting very well and the
fridge is still stocked full with protein - assuming Chris has been studiously
crossing food off the inventory as he has used them (Jo and Peter do of
It looks like our more southerly route is starting
to pay. Well we hope. The wind has backed to the NE as forecast and we are now
broad reaching direct to St. Lucia and every mile sailed puts us a
full mile closer to the rum punches. We may even post a new record 24 hour
run (comment from skip "Will you get that lazy guy out of the water, it's
slowing us down" oblivious to the fact that we were creaming along at 10.4
kts). This should mean the boats that we have given some miles to over the
last few days are now running directly down the wind and going slower
than us. We hope to be climbing in the positions soon, but as it's not a race,
we're pretty chilled whatever happens as we're just enjoying the cruise! (Who am
I trying to kid?!)
We have decided to move the clocks back an hour
today to bring the sunrise a bit earlier as 0830 was too late and the morning
was gone before we'd realised. Just as well as Chris had a lie in today after we
decided to watch a double header of 24 last night. It's still gripping us
as the end of series nears and we are grateful to Dawn, Chris's
sister, for introducing us to Jack Bauer.
Jeff and Pat, Chris's parents, are leaving the UK
tomorrow for St. Lucia and we thank them for
the daily reports they've been SMSing. Happily George and Pat, Jo's parents, are
taking over the task to keep us up to date with our ranking in the race (err,
rally!). Jeff and Pat are also bringing series 3 of 24 for which we are forever
grateful, especially if we can open it before Christmas before Peter
Chris is at the galley now as the boat roars along
heeling at 20 degrees. This is not something Chris was able to manage all
season, so we must all be used to the motions of the boat as
no-one has needed sea sickness pills since day 3. However, we now
wonder whether we should be taking them to avoid land sickness when we
reach St. Lucia, or will rum punches do the trick?
We are now more educated after listing to Tess of
the D'Urbervilles and will listen to either The Thirty Nine Steps, or rather
more aptly, Jerome K Jerome's Three Men in a Boat (apologies to
More tomorrow....