Almost 50:41.067N 9:51.999W

Melvin Magnall
Wed 8 Jul 2009 06:48
The weather is a mix of everything out there
with 55 degree temps thrown in. I could just say ditto from here as it's 3 reefs
and half a jib and 5kts in the right direction.
It's been 50 days since NJ and 12 days since the
Azores an I think I can speak for both of us in saying we've been beaten up by
the N. Atlantic for long enough and we're ready for a break. We must be
getting near civilization as we are starting to see many vapour trails of
We are presently 50 miles S.W. of
Fastnet Rock (Melvin and I sailed there last year) and 140 miles from
Dunmore East.
There was a little excitement around here yesterday as the Henry Wood decided to dive out from
underneath me and unceremoniously dump me in the drink. Luckily still harnessed
to the boat Melvin was able to drag this drowned rat back aboard. Hey there
are sacrifices to be made when you need a shower.
We expect to arrive in Dunsmore East late
afternoon tomorrow to clear authorities and then up to Wicklow, The Isle of Man,
and Glasson on high water Sunday 19th @ 0910. So all that's left is the Irish Sea Melvin's favorite waterway (read