TGIF 39:14.74N 59:16.60W

Melvin Magnall
Sat 6 Jun 2009 02:55
"Thank Goodness it's Friday" doesn't seem to
mean a lot out here as we seem to be the only people on the planet. So keep
those e-mails coming please.
We're running downwind at 7 kts with 3 reefs and
a reefed in jib. we're running into a few rain squalls and although a full moon
it is quite overcast. there is still quite a swell and every now and then a
doozie rips through. One such doozie yesterday sent me sprawling across the
saloon and into the stove which detached it from it's mountings. Melvin, he's
quite the engineer, was able to fix the problem with some grey looking silly
putty called ATOMIC GLUE...can you imagine!
For those of you not familiar with sailboating
the stove is quite ingenious. It has 2
burners, toaster/ broiler and an oven and all runs on bottled gas. The whole
unit is mounted from 2 swivel mounts, so as the boat rolls the stove can remain
upright. In fact the boat can be gyrating all over the place and a boiling
kettle and pot of soup stay to their burners like they were glued there. Kinda
clever eh!
Anothr rogue wave today sent Melvin's favorite
Starbuck's cup crashing to the deck to be followed a few minutes later by the
coffee pot. I heard some interesting words |I can only assume are native to the
West coast of England