Hot, Hot, Hot 39:19.205N 32:47.602W

Melvin Magnall
Wed 17 Jun 2009 17:17
Yes siree it's a hot one today.
The little wind of yesterday died late afternoon
and we just wallowed around out here so it was decided to motor up and use the
last of the diesel to get us into port this side of Christmas.
We only have 75 more miles to go to Flores
yipee!And should make landfall early tomorrow.
It's the hottest day on board this trip and I
think that has to do with the lack of any air around..
Melvin noticed a strange noise coming from the engine compartment this morning and on
further investigating noticed that one of the belts was delaminating OH NO! was
the cry. It wasn't to bad a problem as we had a spare on-boarde in were back
underway inside an hour.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow feet on
something solid, what a treat. May even get to do a little running.stress