Rolling along 43:05.179N 23:46.627W

Melvin Magnall
Wed 1 Jul 2009 03:08
0200 July 1st.
869.1 miles to Ireland.
We,re still rolling along here with a westerly
wind and following sea with 3 reefs in and a tiny jib. We've tried
everything to follow a direct course to Dunmore East but we keep
getting pushed a little northerly, but with 869 to go that could
I'm getting a bit tired of this constant hand
over hand to avoid being thrown into something.The next time I'm on a Boeing 777
and the guys up in the pointed end say we're just heading out across the
pond. I'll be ready to give them and
earful. It may be a pond at 500 miles an hour, but it's a bloody big ocean at
4-5 knots. LOL.
![]() ![]() There were many large schools (?) of dolphin as
we left the Azores. They kept us company playing in the bow wake, but It's not
too good trying to take pictures up there so I hope these will
The cool temp and rain showers are just getting
us ready for an Irish Summer. I can't wait for a pint of draught Guinness and
some fish and chips and not necessary in that order.
When the moon sets the stars are just
magnificent and the Milky Way is plain to see. There are a few shooting stars
and I assume the fast moving stuff are satellites. I must get more familiar
with the constellations. A fellow sailor, while in Horta, mentioned he was
reading a book which connected the
constellations with their mythology and he found it made it more