Quiet Sunday 38:18.93N 067:35.43W

Melvin Magnall
Sun 31 May 2009 17:37
1817Miles to Horta
Once again we are sailing along on diesel power. At daybreak all wind died and so on came the motor 70+ hours so far this trip a lot more than we had hoped for so early in the trip. If this keeps up we'll need oars to get into Horta, Azores. We unpacked the cruising chute (used for very light winds), but not enough wind to even fly that. In spite of all these setbacks we did a respectable 118 mls in the last 24 hrs. There is one upside to all this engine use we have plenty of power to use the refrigerator. Quite a luxury. Now if only I can get the spa and sauna working.LOL