Batten Down the Hatches 38:40.65N 063:34.65W

Melvin Magnall
Wed 3 Jun 2009 17:19
I'm not forgetting you all
For some reason my last 2 posts didn't go. It may have something to do with
the pictures. Ill work on it
Yesterday started out quite well 6kts 2reefs and 1\2 jib, but (there's
always a but in this game so I'm finding out) the wind kept gaining in strength
from the South and with that the seas. So at sundown we battened everything down
and stayed below for the night. As both of us were down below for the night the
watch was kept by the (now famous) self steering unit. As it's guidance is a
function of the wind direction our course can be a bit erratic. Due to this we
only shortened the distance to Horta by 83 mls even though we were doing 6kts
for most of the last 24hours.
As poor as conditions were I slept very well in the lee side fwd bunk
whick is more than could be said for Melvin on the stbd side banging against the
lee cloth.
I used to travel these oceans as a merchant marriner, and get quite well
paid for it, but now in my 60s question my sanity doing this for free. Doing it