Home at last

Melvin Magnall
Mon 27 Jul 2009 20:15
Henry Wood is now in Glasson Marina from where we started out. We arrived Sunday 26th July.
It has taken 10 years and 3 attempts to get to Woodbury NJ USA, arriving in 2006, and 3 attempts to get back home to the UK. In these 10 years I have stared at defeat many times, but carried on with your support. My main regret is I only started using the laptop these last 3 years. What a story it could have been! It might have even been as good as Gavin's blog of the last 3 months!
But the Saga is over. Henry looks tired and well travelled and over the next few months will be rebuilt. From now on its going to be relaxed sailing.
I have met lots of good people along the way, many here in the UK, on my travels through the West Indies and Azores and certainly in America. You will remain in my memory and as friends forever.
All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Yours Melvin Magnall MBE