Position 17:45.45N 64:41.80W
Julian & Anne Whitlock
Wed 17 Mar 2010 10:33
11 -13th March St Croix, USVI
A superb,fast, easy sail took us down to the last (and
largest) US Virgin Island: St Croix.
The capital, Christiansted still has
immense charm with its preserved Danish colonial buildings, and a
boardwalk along the bay which is protected
by complex reefs.
In a day spent touring the island we
went to Salt River Bay, where
Columbus had his first encounter with the
Taino Indians in 1493. It is still remembered as the
first armed (one fatality on each side) resistance by natives
to European encroachment in the Americas and as such has become a National Park.
The island also boasts Point Utall - the most easterly point
of the USA - and several preserved plantation
from the time when "sugar was king" and the island economy
Scale house on the waterfront where all
The Danish fort protected against sea invasion, when the
were weighed and therefore
English appeared by land side they surrendered
Christiansted's architecture is
designed for tropical heat,and downpours, with covered
and cool internal
The Botanical gardens set in the
ruins of an old Aspiring majorettes arrive
for the St Patrick's Day
plantation had many plants we'd not
seen before parade-no Irish forbears,but an excuse to