Position 12:36.10N 61:27.10W
Julian & Anne Whitlock
Sat 13 Nov 2010 00:37
Chatham Bay - Union Island - 6th
Sorry to say goodbye to our friends in
Grenada and not yet into relaxed cruising mode. With
our long term sailing plans on hold and
therefore trying to sell 'Freewheel', as we haven't the
opportunity of using her, we feel in limbo.
However arriving at one of our favourite anchorages
after a superb sail did lift our
spirits. Early the next morning, when we returning from a
around the bay, we were approached by a
couple of locals who ran a beach cafe. They remembered
us from when we were taking Freewheel down
to Grenada to lay up. Then
we were short of time
so couldn't try out their menu - this
occasion we did and it was delicious. We were their only
customers as the season has not started yet
but they were delighted we came anyway as it was
the 2nd anniversary of their
Early morning walk on the deserted beach at
Chatham Bay....