update 37:00.00N 27:15.40E

Julian & Anne Whitlock
Thu 4 Sep 2008 09:50
1st Log Entry 04-09-08
The preparation for our departure from
Turgetries is nearly complete with just a couple of last minute
hitches! Assuming we can solve these in the next couple of
hours we will start our journey
across the Mediterranean this
We expect to take up to 3 weeks to
reach Gibraltar due to the vagaries
of the Med weather. After we
have reprovisioned in Gib we will
strike off for the Canaries which
should only be a 4 day beam reach
if the normal weather
Freewheel looks like new with her major
refit complete and our first test of the major systems also went
well this time so fingers crossed!!
Yachtworks have once again done a great
job and it will be a wrench to leave all our great friends here....
Freewheel in the Pacific
Freewheel in Knidos/Turkey 2008