Position 12:09.54N 68:16.92W

Julian & Anne Whitlock
Fri 12 Feb 2010 19:33
5th - 13th February 2010 Bonaire
Our return to Bonaire was most enjoyable, even if the first few days were spent in more tidying works on Freewheel.
There had been a lot more building since we spent time here 5 years ago - just hope they will not spoil the laid back
peaceful atmosphere which is its main attraction. Certainly the Customs officer felt that "things are going too far!!"
We spent some time in the National Parks - both in the wild bushland at the North of the island and diving on the pristine
reefs of the Marine park which borders the coast. 
  Ospreys love to fish along the wild east shore          These flamigos had left the salt pans for Lac Bay
   wild donkeys seem happy despite the rough terrain,   but iguanas prefer stale buns and draw blood!