On Passage 38:01.60N 11:10.90E

Julian & Anne Whitlock
Thu 18 Sep 2008 18:09
Making for Sardinia
Finally managed to break out of Malta although weather was still not
helpful or according to forecast.
As a result we ended up heading due north to Sicily whilst awaiting
either the drop in the force
of the N Westerlies or indeed the wind veering into the east. We were
approaching the coast and eyeing
up a potential anchorage when the wind finally obeyed the forecast and we
cruised up the coast
a few miles off through the night. Today we have picked up a light but
freshening N Easterly which is
allowing us to motorsail towards Sardinia where we hope to get in
before the next NW gale hits. This will
also allow us to investigate an irritating fault on our main plotter which
has lost its screen although it
is still feeding the GPS position through to our nav computer. At our
current speed we should
arrive at our intended anchorage at 9am on the