position 13:07.96N 61:12.16W

Julian & Anne Whitlock
Tue 27 Jan 2009 02:39
Barbados to St Vincent
After several days of R&R on Barbados - which included a dive on the wreck of the Pamir,only
100m from  our anchorage, and a fascinating weekend visit to a local jazz festival - Julian's sister Sue
joined us for a couple of weeks cruising.
The first couple of days were spent in an exploration of Barbados - its wild Atlantic coast sheltered
the Andromeda botanical gardens and the dramatic abundant vegetation of Welshman's Gully hidden
amongst the rolling sugar cane fields. We met with monkeys in the wildlife reserve, which also
harboured the largest collection of tortoises we have ever seen.
                Barbados Atlantic coast breakers
                      Jazz at Farley Hill Park      
              Feeding the fish in Andromeda Gardens
After a rolling overnight crossing, which Sue did not appreciate but after the Atlantic crossing we
found relatively calm, we arrived in St Vincent on Thursday, ready to explore another island.
Our walk to Trinity Falls proved far more arduous than anticipated - but the swim in the pool beneath
the falls was all the more welcome although the "jacuzzi" described  by the guide book felt rather more
like the inside of a washing machine!
Poor Sue(she doesn't "do" hills!) -  we followed that by a steep hike through the rain forest in search of
the rare St Vincent parrot, which unfortunately we only saw at a distance.
               Rainbows follow squalls in St Vincent
      Julian &Sue recover from the trek to Trinity Falls