position 17:04.05N 61:53.04W
Julian & Anne Whitlock
Fri 13 Mar 2009 11:40
Antigua 01/03/09 ~
After a very enjoyable time in
Dominica, renewing old friendships and visiting old haunts it
was time to strike further north.
Our departure from the anchorage under
sail was once again uneventful and we were soon
sailing towards Guadeloupe with a fresh
beam reach. We passed the Saintes with the wind
still strong so angled in to try for
the anchorage at Des Haies. Alas as soon as we were in the
wind shadow of the main island we were
bacalmed although still 6nm offshore and bobbed
about in the uneven swell for a couple of hours before a
slight breeze enabled us to head further
As the day was drawing out and we
didn't trust the wind to get us into the anchorage we made
the decision to alter course for Jolly Harbour, Antigua and then had a lovely
overnight sail to
arrive at the anchorage at 7am. The following day we arranged
for Freewheel to be lifted at
Jolly Harbour so that the repair work on the drive shaft assembly could
commence. Meanwhile
Gillie and Hutch were visiting the builder and inspecting the work
carried out in their house on
the North Finger at Jolly Harbour. They had a hectic time shopping
for furniture and finding
various domestic things that had
been in store during the
makeover of the property before we
all moved into their
We are now back in the UK for a month
awaiting the arrival of our first grandchild and hopefully
Freewheel will be ready for relaunching
on our return.
The anchorage off Jolly Harbour
Gillie & Hutch's Villa