46. Arica, Chile to Trujillo, Peru, - 24.4.2009
- 2'150 Km, 6:09Hrs flight
After a good nights sleep, and after having made a detailed
analysis of the weather en route to our todays
destination in the north of Peru, we headed
to the airport of Arica after a very light breakfast.
We asked our taxi driver, to drive us first to down town Arica-,
then the harbor-, then as well as the signal hill, overlooking
Arica, from which point we had agreat panoramic view over
the harbour of Arica and the whole town.
Shortly afrer, we then got to the airport, to finalice
all the necessary formalities for our departure .
Everything went very smooth at the very well organized
AIP office (ISO 9001 certified) with kind and very
professional assistancce.
As planned, we were ready start up the engine at
exactly 11AM, and " Bingo", there was aproblem with
our overflight and landing permit for Peru.
Aparently our permit was only valid from Antofagasta further
south to Trujillo, and not from Arica to our destination of today.
It took then a few telephone and fax messages with the Lima,
to sort all this out.
The flight was uneventful, until we were asked to climb
to the assigned flight level of 180 (18;000 feet) due to
the minimum safe altitude en route.
The climb rate of course was very modest and slow,
and it took us quite some time to reach the assigned
We were fortunate to carry oxygen to outlive this.
To our left, the sea was mostly overcast, and on our
right, we could observe the rugged mainland
and in the distance, and the rapidely upsloping
mountainous terrrain with the snow covered mountain
peaks of the Andes.
Overflying Peru's caital Lima was interesting with a great
view from 8000 feet above.
We landed then safely at Trujillo, after having passed Lima,
and a total of 6h10min flight time
Here some impressions of today' flight:

On final approach at Arica

A Peruvian train in Arica Chile, just after the border in the desert.

The marina at Arica

Memorial on the signal hill of Arica

At high altitude with oxygen (No, Manfred is not sleeping!)

The Andes

Overflying Lima

On the ILS RW 02 into Trujillo