43:23.0N 002:18.6E
19, Tuesday 04AUG98
– Carcassonne/France
Spain and France to go.
Off we were on a flight over
more water.
This requires wearing our life west’s for the last time on our flight
and on
the pre take
off briefing going through a “Ditch routine”. Lovely experience
and Iam glad we never had to use it.
Hello Europe
Our routing in very hazy
weather and
virtually no forward visibility lead us on the airway via Casablanca,
the city
of Fez, overhead
Meilla, Spanish Morocco, then in clear sky over the
Mediterranean sea to Almeria in Spain, along the coastline past
Barcelona and
hop over the Pyrenean mountains.
Last overnight was in the
French medieval
walled city of Carcassonne, landing at sunset.

All along, scenery was
sensational wherever
we went, from the great Namib Desert, to the tropics, north over all
the dark
bush, savanna,
deserts and following rivers and coasts.
Cultural differences,
religions, wildlife,
as well as many interesting people we met are stories on their own.