The flight back home ( Cayenne, French Guayana to Belem, Brazil)
01:23.1S 048:28.7W The flight into Brazil and across the delta of the Amazon River was extremely impressive for two reasons: First we observed from the air the endless tropical vegetation with countless winding river arms of the Amazon, and numerous impressive CB'sdeveloping in that damp tropical climate along our flight pass. Interesting enough, the different storm cells, which werecolourfully illuminated from the evening sun, seemed to move along with us v isually and on our Storm Scope to finally converge at our destination Belem. Quite some tropical activity in the vicinity A weather front to the right over the the delta of the Amazonas And a "hell of a CB", 160 Nautical Miles on our GPS right overhead of our destination Belem. lets see how it goes..... On the approach at Belem in heavy rain
Different countries,
customs, languages
administrative hurdles, was what we had to experience this time!
Around 10 p.m. that
night, we were finally sitting in a
taxi on the way
from the
airport downtown
to our hotel.