Loafing in Copenhagen...

Alan and Sarah Bennett
Mon 31 Jul 2017 18:52
An awful lot of water seems to have passed under Aquila's bridge over the past 48hrs. Stuart and I trekked to the 'Freetown Christiana' on Saturday morning. While it may be one of this fine city's top tourist attractions, in reality it's nothing
more than a squalid '70s hippy commune. Then Stuart had a plane to catch pm, so accompanied him to the local station. Really great to have had you aboard again Stuart: sincerely hope you're available again next year!
New crew of Peter, Rosalie and Mike have now arrived in town, and are believed to be painting it red. Skipper has decided to leave them to it tonight, as over past 48 hrs have:
- resolved major IT glitch on Nav standby computer. As main Nav computer was already seriously I'll, this was pretty vital. Thanks Tommy for saving your Dad's sanity!
- done two major store-ship shops: two trips necessary as nearest decent store was a mile away, and my pack mule capacity is finite. However 2nd trip facilitated by contacting local equivalent of a Boris bike. This expanded my operating radius
very considerably, enabling me to
- visit 3 sites potentially selling propane. Regrettably, none could help, but gas situation not critical - yet.
- cycle to nearest(?) Volvo dealer for some engine oil and alternator belts. Lunchtime when I got there, but persuaded receptionist to interrupt key man's break. He very helpful, but no such grade of oil on site - but if I came back at 1500,
he'd have some in.
- back to Aquila to progress other stuff (cleaning, making bunks up, clearing a backlog of seemingly 1000 emails etc)
- back to helpful Volvo man who delivered as promised
- engine oil and filtre change. Easy to say, messy to do!
- haircut. Had to visit 4 salons before I found a slot. Maybe I looked a bit oily...
So looking forward to going to sea at 0900 tomorrow when the new crew arrive. I'll be taking to my bunk for a rest!