Alan and Sarah Bennett
Mon 23 Jun 2008 12:26
49:39.20N 05:57.80W
Noon-noon run: 127 miles
Well, that's sailing for you! Becalmed once
more, almost in sight of land! A small high pressure zone has formed in
the western Channel, and by midnight last night had virtually killed
the WNW 2 we had been enjoying until then. So we are donking again,
at economical speed as ever, and watching the fuel guage slowly unwind.
The guage is little more than a broad indication, especially in any sort of
sea. We estimate we have about 10 hours fuel left; and at this progress we
reckon it will take another 10 hours to reach Falmouth. Hence ETA now 2200
tonight if the fuel lasts!
Maybe we should sacrifice Tom to the wind
Gods! No, he's been too good a crew and ship mate to do that to him.
Guess it'll have to be the skipper! He's superflous now that we can see
almost see land!
Apart from the lack of wind, we have had a most
enjoyable final day at sea. Yesterday afternoon and evening were perfect
conditions; broad reaching in bright sunshine and with a long following Atlantic
swell. As we approached the entrance to the Channel, more and more signs
of civilisation appeared: fishing vessels, clumps of seaweed, at least 2 ships a
watch. At midday today we are in the middle of crossing the Scilly
separation zone, and consequently usually have one or more ships in sight at any
one time. Feels like Picadilly Circus!
Some stats (all except first since leaving
Miles sailed since departing Deale, MD:
Miles sailed since Bermuda: 2925
Litres of water consumed:156
Av litres of water per person per day:
Loaves of bread baked: 14
No. of fish caught: 0 - but we are still
No. of meals catapulted onto deck by motion:
No. of gales: 1
Hours of calm: 40, with about another 10 to
Best day's run: 173 miles
Worst day's run: 100 mil
No of whales seen: 10
No of pods of dolphins that have joined us: est.
Est no of Gilbert's revolutions: 17
No of tacks: 6
Hours of motoring: 52 so far
Fuel consumed: c. 140 litres
No of gas bottles used: 1
The crew!
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