Alan and Sarah Bennett
Wed 4 Jun 2008 16:57
36:01.60N 58:27.10W
The past 24 hours have seen good progress:133 miles noon-noon.  We were hoping for better, but a 4 hour flat patch in the early hours rather put paid to expectations.  But the wind is up again now, and we are regularly doing better than 7kts.
Some great meals have been had.  Ian produced a fabulous stew last night; it even included this fellow who flew on deck.  Not sure if anyone noticed him in amongst all the other goodies in the stew!
Sleeping is a favourite past time for those off watch.  We even have a 'down and out' on board, who wraps himself in a blanket in the fo'c'sle.  Rumour has it he has a bottle of meths with him - but whatever, he sure has Nancy boots!
This morning Sarah was in her element, producing a fry up to die for!  Neither Tom nor the skipper needed to be asked twice!
After yesterday's rain the sun has come out again - the eagle eyed amongst you will note Tom eating again while Sarah preens herself.
After all that hard work, Tom simply had to get some rest!
That will do for now - 5 pictures may be too much for the satellite link!