Alan and Sarah Bennett
Tue 14 Jun 2016 16:09
So: On Monday Aquila said good bye to Nicky and Hugh, and temporarily to Sarah (phot) – and now we have Tim Ashdown, Mike West and Chris Dragonetti aboard (phot), having arrived in Vigo by train. In the intervening 4 hours, the skipper cleaned, shopped, blogged, repaired, restowed etc etc – he now claims to know how chalet staff in a skiing resort feel on changeover day!
After a light lunch aboard, the intrepid crew set off initially bound for Porto Novo, as the skies were very grey and the W2 distinctly chilly. But as we approached Ilas Cies the skies cleared to 8/8ths blue, so a quick change of plan saw us anchoring once more in our favourite cove on those islands (phot). After a swim (BZ to Chris for making the shore and back), a foray ashore saw surf-negotiating skills practised, and a beer in the campsite café as Tim raised the EU question. This crew seem to be 3:1 in favour of Leave. Back on board for supper and a wee-dram to finish off a busy but most enjoyable day.
Tuesday: a grey day once more, following a rather rolly night as the NW swell found its way around the protective rocks. A ‘light-house’ run was voted favourably on, so the crew duly made their way to the summit for the obligatory selfie (phot). At least this time we could see something of the surrounding dramatic scenery. Back on board for a light lunch, then a downwind SW4 run to Porto Novo where we will spend the night. Tomorrow? We’ll decide when we surface…..