Final miles to Vergi

Alan and Sarah Bennett
Sat 15 Jul 2017 11:08
59:35.9N 26:06.0E
Aquila has arrived safe and sound in Vergi, Estonia. We debated whether to continue on for another 50m to Tallin, but our wonderful NNW was forecast to back to W, which would have meant another 5hrs of beating. So at 0630 we cracked off the
sheets again, and called the Estonian coast guard as we sailed into their waters. I don't think I've ever come across a more welcoming officialdom: excellent English, didn't want our lat and long, and said requisite official would be there to welcome us when
we arrived at Vergi in 5hrs.
Bright sunshine, eggy sausage, coffee, 7kts on the clock, calm beam seas, wonderful crew, 4hrs to run to an exotic new port - it really doesn't get any better than that!
Phots etc to follow...