Alan and Sarah Bennett
Sun 25 May 2014 17:04
Sunday…….a late start……..bright sunshine………….a sleepy fishing port somewhere in NW France. Our happy crew surfaced ready for a sleepy Sunday, surely due reward for all that hard work at the wheel and winch the day before? Tee shirts and shorts and breakfast in the cockpit seemed a promising start, but then our skipper produced his task list …………….clean the boat, polish the waterline, change the anchor, maintain the engine, write the blog….after that your time’s your own. Of course Alan led by example and was soon energetically attacking the weed on the waterline, the list of chores was dispatched with gusto and the crew were assembled in the cockpit for a well earned cold beer soon after midday.
A walk ashore for fresh provisions and a postcard, confirmed that it is still early in the season and Loctudy is still very quiet, but several hostelries were open and at a small café we continued our survey of the local Vin de Maison and snacked on oysters and langoustines; a jolly time was had by all. Back at the boat Dog Watch activities centred on ‘Egyptian PT’ and Internal eyelid inspections. Sarah’s drizzle cake and Rosalie’s fruit cake enabled us to recuperate after such strenuous exertion.
As the blazing sun slips relentlessly towards the horizon the Men of Aquila prepare themselves for another light meal ashore, a few convivial beers, and more salty tales…………………………………such a perfect day! Tomorrow, with a fair wind forecast, Isle d’Yeu beckons……
Photos (you'll have to work out the order)....
The skipper pleads with his unimpressed crew to let him back onboard after scrubbing the waterline,
Enjoying the sunshine in the cockpit,
A run ashore in Loctudy,
Loctudy Scene,
Committee of taste for bond purchases.