In Gdansk...

Alan and Sarah Bennett
Sun 23 Jul 2017 20:24
In Gdansk:
- between 0650 and 0655 we had morphed from berthing plan A to plan B to plan C. When will the skipper make up his mind?
- by 0800 the entire crew had free-loaded a 3 minute shower (we had no local currency). So 90 seconds per crew member. Stuart said he was willing to share, but the skipper was not so sure..
- back on board we then reverted to berthing plan B.
- great walking tour of old city. Only trouble was as tour culminated, we lost lock on the guide. And that was before the first beer!
- by chance, reconnected with guide and discovered he was a fan of the FAA museum at VL.
- visited the memorial at the gates of Gdansk shipyard to the 1988 Solidarity movement. Truly awesome to stand at this site: the tipping point of the fall of communism in eastern Europe.
- over lunch, skipper encouraged a passing rose seller to give one to Stuart. This time it was Stuart's turn not to be so sure!
- deck head inspection pm. Well, we had been one in two overnight...
- come the evening, given directions by friendly waiter to best burger restaurant in town. Seemed like a nice boy.
- Stuart propositioned by purveyor of strip joint. Had to be firmly ordered back on board by skipper.
- planning to sail at 0800 tomorrow. Heaven knows which country we'll end up in...there are so many to choose from around here.