Alan and Sarah Bennett
Sat 3 Jun 2017 12:53

56:33.1N 08:18.4E

As we approached Thyboren in the early hours of Saturday morning,  the crew unanimously decided to continue on for another hour and a half in order to make the apparently charming port of Lemvig, some 5 miles into the Lymfjord. We duely felt our way along some very tight but superbly marked channels, and eventually secured in the utterly tranquil inner harbour at 0445. After sailing (and some motoring) 579 miles in almost exactly five days, we have arrived at our first port of call. 

Having refilled and watered ship, the plan now is to depart tomorrow morning to progress towards Aalborg. But as this is such an exquisite place, Gilbert and George are talking about a run ashore, and we know how last year in similar circumstances they reappeared back on board moments before we sailed, distinctly the worse for does not bode well!