Alan and Sarah Bennett
Sat 31 May 2014 06:15
The pennant was duly hoisted for the final day of this première crew.

The morning began in leisurely style, enjoying a light breakfast in the cockpit – the sunshine and temperature being perfect – during which we planned the day’s activities (activities syn…the skipper’s never-ending task book!).

After completing another back-breaking list of Skipper’s tasks in the shadow of his whip and cattle prod……Stuart (adeptly displaying the core naval value of integrity!) ‘fessed that he had inadvertently allowed a halyard to disappear up the inside of the mast. Stuart subsequently manned up and was duly hoisted up the mast; with him feeding the halyard into the sheaves at the mast’s truck, the skipper fished with the ubiquitous bent coat hanger at the foot, and lo, the halyard was recovered in speedy time. The skipper is observed to love his mast and his boom, particularly the rigging arrangement of his reefing lines….

A lazy evening was spent ashore, noted for two things. Firstly, breaking with tradition, the skipper did not order six huîtres for supper, drawing questioning glances from a suspicious crew. Secondly, the cabin boy may have shot the skipper….accidently perhaps!

Thus, Aquila is dressed and spruced up and ready for tomorrow’s crew change. Alan ‘chuck-a-warp-over-the-side’ will be very sorry to see Stuart ‘lose-a-halyard-up-the-mast’, Ken ‘I’ll-take-an-early-dip’ and Peter ‘I-can’t-be-bothered’ (as, exceptionally, he was once heard to mutter yesterday when someone suggested something!) depart – you really have been a truly fabulous crew, ready to turn your hands to anything while maintaining a consistent humorous banter. Please come again!

Thanks we will…..!!!!!

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