Alan and Sarah Bennett
Tue 24 Jun 2014 15:55
Tuesday 24 June. We enjoyed three nights in Isle d’Yeu; two in Port Joinville, and then a night at anchor on the west coast. Port Joinville was pretty busy, but not too noisy; we made some good friends in ‘Serendipity’ from Jersey, who were much amused by a couple of rounds of ‘Red Indian’ poker.
After sorting domestics on day one, as the weather was so settled we decided to hunt for a sheltered anchorage on the wild west coast. The mate faithfully steered the courses called for by the skipper, enabling some good rock-hopping to be enjoyed (phot) before feeling our way into our chosen anchorage, tucked under the lee of Point de Chatelet. We managed to get pretty close in (phot) despite the indigenous small craft. The rocks surrounding us (some drying at low water) provided a modicum of shelter from the underlying SW swell; after assessing the situation for a couple of hours, we decided it was sufficient to stay the night. A recce ashore before supper; the skipper took several photos of the bay area - none of which the camera seemed to capture!
After a reasonably roll-free night, we weighed before breakfast and enjoyed a leisurely sail on a SE course to Les Sables d’Olonne, with Manx Shearwaters casually fishing around us. Close hauled at first, the wind steadily backed allowing us to lay the course, and eventually shifted to the north. So up asymmetric and out fishing line – and lo, the mate had success (phot)! Enough indeed for three to be shared for lunch (photos)….. We were also passed by a couple of Dolphins, but regrettably they did not stay to play – clearly not up to the same stuff as their mid-Atlantic cousins!
Now safely secured in Quai Garnier, Les Sables d’Olonne, we plan to spend two nights here, and take Coggins' and Evans’ for a day sail tomorrow. So next blog in 2-3 days time.