Alan and Sarah Bennett
Tue 31 May 2016 16:41
42:36.3N 8:56.0W
We’ve had two days of wonderful weather, superb sailing and convivial company (well, we think so anyway!). Camarinas was an excellent place to recharge our batteries after Biscay; however we are sorry to report that George and Gilbert clearly over-indulged, and were decidedly the worse for wear as we departed on Monday morning. The rest of the crew relished the leisurely sail around Cape Finisterre (all four of us paid due homage – see associated phots) and thence up Ria Muros, accompanied by The Rolling Stones at full pelt (goodness knows what Ken really thinks of this boat of aged would-be rockers!). As forecast overnight conditions were benign, and the boat was fully stored and watered, we decided to shun the Muros marina and enjoy the tranquillity that anchoring offers. Once settled, Robert kindly whisked us ashore (he’s so fit these days – and far too sensible to disgrace himself with the likes of George and Gilbert), where we dined in a classic tapas bar.
Tuesday: Breakfast in the cockpit (phot: we clearly need a selfie stick!) with the sun already climbing high before weighing anchor and whafting back down Ria Muros, then up Ria Arousa. This enabled the skipper to indulge in his favourite past time of rock-hopping, while the crew worked hard setting the asymmetric and gybing the entire rig umpteen times in the warm N2-3. At lunchtime we rounded Islas Sagres and hardened sheets, revelling in the sparkling 10 mile beat to windward (phots) accompanied by a glass of the local white and our own version of tapas.
Unspoilt, dramatic scenery; bright sunshine with perfect warm breezes; empty white beaches; clear water, and anchorages to ourselves. And we’ve already worn our shorts 10 times longer than we did during the whole of last year’s exped! Sailing doesn’t get any better than this – who needs the Med? So looking forward to further exploring all these bays and inlets with the forthcoming crews.