Ardfern and Puilladobhrain

Alan and Sarah Bennett
Thu 21 May 2015 12:22
The Manson Supreme earned its keep on Tuesday night at Loch na Mile as the wind seemed to be trying to blow the tops off the mountains. We sailed at 0750 (much to the crews' disgust) in brightening weather for the 45 mile passage up the Sound of Jura to Ardfern Marina where we took on fuel, water, stores and chandlery. The crew also grabbed showers before we departed at 1545 to catch the last two hours of the flood tide up the Firth of Lorn. By 2000 we secured to the single buoy in the remote Puilladobhrain Anchorage (with 5 imposters) where we enjoyed a great curry (cook not sure how great it was but as father's tastebuds were annihilated by scorching curries during his formative Navy years he seemed happy enough) and a peaceful Wednesday night. Photos later when connectivity allows.