Pea Soup

Brian Bonniwell and Claudine
Tue 16 Jun 2009 20:15
37:16.52N 7:05.45E
Tuesday, 16th June 2009, 70 miles from freedom.
We were awoken to Pea Soup Fog and zero visibility. Surely, the pirates would strike now - but would they be able to find us?
John operated the Fog Horn.  Why was he trying to attract their attention?  Maybe he wanted someone to practice his languages on - in Bayona, Alfredo called him the 'Brazilian', we think on account of his ability to speak Spanish.  Or did he want to trade Steve for some chick peas and lentils for tonights meal?
We maintained a double watch until the fog cleared around 11:30am, but no pirates were seen..
The sun was so hot today! You could not walk on the deck. There was no wind!
With a view to raising spirits, Malc spotted a small Island, Isle de la Galite, on the chart and with the promise of ice cream (Walls Galite?) or even girls welcoming us dancing in grass skirts, we altered course.
Last night, on account of our proximity to Africa, Brian produced a dish called Bobotie which he claimed originated in Africa, and tonight John once again prepared his famous curry.
Brian, Steve, John and Malc
The Crew, SY   Wishanger II