Tuesday Morning

We’re becalmed !! Truly fickle this weather stuff. Sunday afternoon beautiful sunny day and reaching for hours on end at 6-7 knots, best sailing ever. Yesterday morning and early afternoon we had a broad reach and lovely sailing until about 13:00 when the waves started building. And boy did they build . Average I would say were 2 -3m high but coming fast with a short interval between them and right on our stern quarter as they charged south. Mostly they didn’t bother us , just lifted us a bit and then lowered us gently down , but every 4 or 5 minutes a big bully of a wave would come along with three of his mates , put their shoulders underneath us and barge us rudely out of the way. Very difficult to move about the boat . Also had a very busy day in the shipping lanes yesterday , but all credit to them they were very gentlemanly and Jan used the Jill technique of calling them up before they ran us over We had a couple of problems yesterday , namely ; the whisker pole slider jammed on its track , the DSC radio didn’t know where it was and subsequently it became not a DSC radio , and the downwind set up needed a few tweeks . As it’s calm we’ve managed to get these bits and pieces sorted before we move on . Would you believe it , it’s almost flat calm but every two or three minutes we get shaken about as if the Harwich Pilot boat has just gone past at 40 knots. I guess this is all the left overs from last weeks storms. Ocean sailing certainly is different – but we love it Janet made bread last night so beans on toast for lunch. One final thing – the Hydrovane is amazing . I think I’m in love with her ( she’s called Heidi evidently – good god !!) You must all get one , even if you’re not going sailing . Through all the quartering seas , the downwind sailing in light winds and the confused seas she’s behaved impeccably . Forty straight hours of not having to helm makes an enormous difference to a short handed crew. No more dolphins I’m afraid , though we did see what I assume were whales as about 50 yards away there were great big “ thar she blows” but no sign of the creatures . Nothing funny has happened but who knows what’s ahead of us ?? |