Tuesday 10th November

24:47.365 N 018:27.909W Glad to say that the repairs to the whisker pole fitting track have held up today though we have only been using the headsails half reefed which means that with an unusable main sail ( the repair lashings are preventing us hoisting the sail ) and reefed headsails we are only making slow progress . It looks like we will have to motor some of the time to make the finish deadline which is a shame but needs must. The good side of going slowly is that we have seen a huge tuna leaping out of the water alongside us , a turtle ambling along in the opposite direction and, just a few minutes ago ,a school of dolphins playing in our bow wave ( little bow wave ! ). It’s been a beautiful day and batteries nearly fully charged though a big round of applause for the wind generator which kept everything running yesterday and last night . |