Friday 27/11/20

16:06.782n 32:55.710w Well the last 3 days have been busy staying upright! The wind has settled closer to easterlies in the last 24 hours but was fickle mixed with the mix of NE and NW waves hence the 48 hour 30 degree Celsius rollercoaster and we are hoping this will settle over the next day. The amazing news is we are reaching our 120 miles a day target, after such a slow start. The menu on this fairground attraction has been interesting, mainly because 3 hour watches mean that day and night meld into one, night has the blessing of not being able to see what one is eating! Breakfast: fried egg and onion wrap Lunch;pasta tortellini soup (which emerges with a slightly different flavour each day it matures) Dinner : shredded cabbage and deconstructed corned beef hash in a wrap (trying to eat with anything other than fingers is a no no), baked beans and ……. whatever is at hand! Kev caught a really nice dorado on Wednesday , about 4 kg , and as he was reeling it in we started thinking about all the ways we could prepare it having had instruction from the chef on Ty Piere ( 6 guys on that boat , three of them chefs ! ) but sadly it jumped off the hook as we tried to manhandle it in over the stern of the boat . I look forward to doing some proper cooking , when sea level returns! Lots more to tell you when the boat levels out we are more relaxed Love and hugs from Weyve the Atlantic Happy Eater 😉 |