06:17S 107:49W 1000 miles gone 2000 to go.

Conor & Marion Wall
Sat 21 May 2011 20:52
We have been at sea exactly one week now and have covered just over 1000
miles so on that basis we should be out here for another two weeks. Toucan is
behaving well currently in 25 knots of wind up her tail. Big big seas and there
is always the one wave that catches you by surprise ever so often. One reef in
the main and a couple of reefs in the headsail and stonking along at between 7
& 8 knots.
Almost had another fish in the fridge last evening but just could not land
him (or her as the case might be). I reckon he is now swimming around wondering
where his jaw has gone. Just as well they only have a 2 second brain. The time
to catch them appears to be exactly 1800 local time and just before the sun
sets. So Iâm sharpening up the hook for anther go tonight, even though we might
be going a bit fast.
All well on board with the Admiral and me. Still hard to get used to all
this rocking and rolling even after all these years. Like sitting on one of
those electrical rodeo bulls for three weeks and cooking and eating dinner and
sleeping while trying to stay on his back. Yesterday was a lovely calm and
gentle day and we still managed 130 miles.
Lots of chit chat on the SSB radio each day with the other idiots out here,
but itâs good banter.
Bye folks |