May 22nd Position 30:24.00N 64:03.82W

Fri 22 May 2009 15:51
At Sea Day 5...
Excellent sailing! Noon to Noon run of 162 miles. We have been
close hauled in NE 16 - 20 knot winds - which is wild and
exhilarating sailing for Matchmaker - she is very steady and looks after
her small crew. We feel like a tiny atom in this vast Atlantic Ocean. Absolutely
nothing here apart from sea, sea, sea, and yet more sea.
But strangely, we are all happy and content in our routine - as we
pass responsibilty through the day from watch to watch... The ship reels in the
miles and we count them, recording wind speeds and directions and other key
events at the change of every watch. As one person gets ready and comes on for
the watch the other crawls into a warm bunk...or, if it is daylight, finds a
quiet corner to read, or just gaze out to the sea. It is a comforting
rhythm, and so Matchmaker and her happy team get closer to
the objective.
Helming is now more challenging and we have excellent abilities in this
department with Jon and Mel - both taking long hours at the helm and coaxing an
extra half knot of performance and making sure we glide elegantly over the
bigger waves.
Mick was "mother" today and got our taste buds buzzing with his hot dog
service Working in the galley is now more difficult as MM is healing into the
wind.- ( note the gimballed stove in the photograph ) - Evening
service was an equally splendid Pasta Bolognese - a safe option in these seas!
The Weather forecast is improving for us and the winds are forecast to Veer
to the East and to Moderate over night - we expect to Radio in to Bermuda
Authorities at Dawn - ( we are now just beginning to hear the Control tower
chatter on the VHF) - and should arrive by noon tomorrow.
( However our little atom is now inside the Bermuda Triangle!
) |