March 7th & 8th Position 14:04.481N 60:57.01W

Sun 8 Mar 2009 22:40
Day 14
Capn Peter woke early with a bad case
of Jumpin Gros Islet Chicken belly ebie jebbies...
The Crew all sympathised ( from a distance
Then helped restow the anchor cable which had
become twisted ... Matchmaker headed into port - going past the fuel dock
to take on 223 gallons of Diesel. ( First fill up since Canary Islands 3600
miles ago! )
A very pleasant evening was had at the Big Chef
Steak restaurant where we all recounted the happy events of the last few
Nominations for ;
Funniest Moment - ( Nick and his Coconuts? ) - but
even better was Luigi the jumping lobster ; - - straight out of the pan, and
across the galley after Kingy!
Memorable Island - Palm Island ( Now renamed as Tom
& Dani Engagement Island..)
Most Beautiful Beach and Swim - Tobago Cays -
unbelievable Snorkelling - it was clearer underwater than above
Best Cocktail - Pinacoldas as breakfast at
Frangipani`s (Bequia) - but Nicks homemade Caribbean coolers were a
respectable second.
Day 15
Up early to clean the boat and pack - followed by a
Scuttlebutts breakfast ( with Cocktails ! )
Then Taxi pick up - Bound for London with Virgin
Bye Bye ....
Best OK magazine photo shot ... is Tom Proposing to
Dani on Palm island Beach... ( unknown at the time - but as seen through the
telephoto lens ! )
A nice end of cruise snap - good luck to you both -
with love and best wishes for your future from all the sailors that cruise
in Sailing Yacht "Matchmaker" !!!