Day 19 Position 14:30.70N 57:36.9W

Thu 11 Dec 2008 16:22
In the afternoon Calum hooked a monster 50" 12 Kilo Dorade which was
baked in Olive oil and lemons and served with rice for supper. 1/2 in
freezer - and left overs the other 1/4 became this lunch time`s -
fish pie, with the last of our potatoes.
This is our penultimate day at sea - and quite appropriately for the crew
our first whale sighting was this morning! It was a Minke Whale surfing
the waves and she stayed alongside Matchmaker for 15 minutes, surfacing 3 or 4
times every 5 minutes - an awesome sight which at first sighting ( eagle
eye,Calum ) no one believed - However she stayed alongside for quite a while and
we all said "Good day" to this awesome sea mammal.
During the early morning and for a few hours after Dawn - ( Dawn was
9.30UTC ) we tracked a few squalls. We managed to get a free fresh water shower
from on of the larger ones - very refreshing and a good laugh was had by
The Days run was satisfactory 194 miles.